Many of us need to do it to promote our programs and attract applicants, though most of us are likely not marketing professionals. Which tools are most useful when your marketing budget will only go so far? Here are some strategies for the biggest returns on those dollars.
Social Media
Your prospective applicants may literally live all over the world, but one central place to reach them is online through social media. Through stories, reels, and posts you can advertise your program’s accomplishments and highlight your people. There’s no cost to set up a profile on X, Instagram, Facebook, or even TikTok. On social media you can upload photos or videos, write some catchy captions, and tag audiences with a few clicks on your phone or laptop – and then track the analytics, which is one measure of impact. You can share or even delegate the responsibility - student involvement is key! Students are usually adept at using social media and know how to use it to connect with younger audiences. They also may welcome the opportunity to promote their (and classmates’) accomplishments as they gear up for next career steps. Whether volunteer or paid, it’s good experience to list on a resume or CV. But before you go-live with your social media channel, here are a few considerations. There should be a plan to post on a consistent basis to your channel to build your audience. Also, it’s important that people feel comfortable with their images being posted online, so ask them to complete a media release as approval to do so. With an effective plan in place, social media can be a high-impact, low-cost way to positively influence your program’s reputation, provide dynamic updates on your program happenings, and draw potential applicants into your orbit.
Virtual Information Sessions
Face-to-face recruitment of your target audience can get expensive and may not always produce the results you desire. Why not bring them to you? You can host virtual information sessions through your already existing virtual meeting platforms (e.g., Teams or Zoom) to feature your program for high effect. Through a virtual “open house,” you can require registration to collect contact information to build your prospective student list, talk or chat with attendees and answer their questions, spotlight all that your program has to offer, and best of all – because there are no travel costs, you can maximize participant attendance. If you can record the session to share later, all the better. Level up your video editing skills (or ask a student!) through free online video editing tools and post the virtual information session recording for people to watch at their convenience.
We all have a website. It’s the central place to host information about your program’s curricular offerings, admissions, and resources for prospective students. But how often is it updated? While some programmatic content is best to remain static, without a refresh from time to time, a website (and by extension, program) can seem dated and neglected. Periodic content and cosmetic additions (e.g, new photos, videos, graphics) are necessary to showcase program success and project a fresh look – all at low or no cost.
Do you have any other low-cost marketing avenues to add? Share below in the comments!

Lea Della Vecchia, MS
Associate Director of Student Services
Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine
University of Pennsylvania

Andrea Radine, MEd
Administrative Director
Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine
University of Pennsylvania